A year of sustainability: 2022 through Google trends1 min read

A year of sustainability: 2022 through Google trends1 min read

The year that is about to end was characterized by numerous events.
Some of which are epochal. Not always positive, unfortunately.

And to get an overview of how we’ve all faced it, there’s no doubt that Google views and searches allow understanding the trends of 2022.

If this is true for everything that surrounds us and characterizes our days, it is also true in relation to views and research on sustainability.
Be they buzzwords or neologisms. Or simply words that we didn’t even know existed until the day before.

Below is an overview of the top 21 sustainability terms and their trends in 2022.

2022 search trends in sustainability views.
Google Trends data. Analyzed and visualized by Giuseppe Perrone

Featured image by Mediamodifier on Unsplash

Giuseppe Perrone

Author and initiator of TwentyNow. ESG Manager in a tech unicorn after a 10 year experience in a big4 consulting firm. Travel lover, (former) basketball player, (current) outdoor basketball fighter. I love also mountain biking and running. I had the idea of creating TwentyNow to bring out the latest ESG trends and sustainability initiatives on a global scale, implemented by companies or bring forward by individuals.